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Katakana Pronunciation Table, Chinese Characters to Pinyin with Tone Marks Converter, Full Size Katakana to Half Size Katakana Converter

Total members : 623831

Sexe : Femme
Âge : 25
Vit en : Mexique
Hi thereMy name is Jaisa, nice to meet you. I m a Mexican 25 years old girl. My hobbis is. Watch movies and series, listen to music, Play video games and Walk. I like animals a lot. o If you want a si...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 20
Vit en : Corée du Sud
はじめまして 大学1年生で 19歳のヒョンソクです 今年か来年に日本旅行に行きたくてHi penpalを始めました 私は旅行に行ったり J POPを聞いたりするのが趣味です そして 本を読んだり 話...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 25
Vit en : Corée du Sud
こんにちは 私は99年生まれであり 空港で働いている会社員です 趣味はゲーム 運動 フィットネス 曲を聴く ジェイポップ アニメビューです ジェイポップ良い曲をお勧めいただきあり...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 44
Vit en : Royaume-Uni
Hi, my name is Jurgita 유르기타. I am a Lithuanian who lives in the UK. I can speak Lithuanian, English and Russian well. I am learning the Korean language now and would like to have a pen pal to learn ab...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 37
Vit en : Turquie
Hi. I love travelling, getting to know different cultures, tasting different foods, cinema, theatre, ballet, art and swimming. Seeing unfamiliar places and tasting unfamiliar foods arouses my curiosit...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 53
Vit en : France
I am an adventurous Christian with a passion for traveling, reading, swimming, and cooking. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new cultures, trying new recipes, and staying active. I value discip ,int...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 41
Vit en : Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Hello, I m Erica and I currently live in the States. My hobbies are reading, working out, going to cafes and hanging out with friends when I m not working. I love traveling and have traveled all over ...