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Sexe : Homme
Âge : 50
Vit en : Corée du Sud
はじめまして私はソウルに住んでいる未婚の男性です 学生たちを 教える仕事を しています 日本語の勉強を始めて少し経ちますが, 易しい単語が 分かる程度です お互いに 言語の勉強...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 36
Vit en : Espagne
Hi, I would like to meet new people all over the world, especially for snail pal letters .I m from Spain and my town is very historical. Recently I m studying Psychology. I lived in Scotland for a ye...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 24
Vit en : Japon
HelloI m Shinnosuke, please call me Shin I m from Nagoya, Japan. Now I live in Kyoto prefecture. I love sports. In particular, baseball, soccer and basketball MLB And also I love music. Jazz, Kpop, R&...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 40
Vit en : Corée du Sud
안녕하세요 v 저는 외국인들과 소통하는걸 좋아해요 그래서 영어나 일본어도 열심히 배우고 외국에 대해 더 알아가려고 노력하고있어요다 좋아요 쪽지나 메일 많이보내주세요 좋은하루 ...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 28
Vit en : République tchèque
Hey thereHow is it going I am Petr from Czech, mostly interested in the Japanese culture in almost every aspect, though nowadays I also find traveling kinda appealing. Practicing some japanese martial...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 35
Vit en : Japon
안녕하세요 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 한국의 문화나 요리를 좋아해요. 예술도 좋아해요. 바쁜 매일이지만 조금이라도 한국어를 잘 할 수 있었으면 좋겠다고 생각해요. 대화를 할 수 있게...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 93
Vit en : Japon
※There is no need for perverts because it is troublesome. はじめまして こんにちはm m 私は 少数の人と 楽に 長く 付き合う事ができればいいなと思っています 性別 国籍 住んでいる場所は関係あり...