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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621102

Sexe : Homme
Âge : 42
Vit en : Corée du Sud
Hinice to meet you. i want friend. i m working at japanese related company. i want to learn English and Japanese. and i also want to share story. entertainment, foodtraveladd me so. i loney hahaha...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 32
Vit en : Corée du Sud
こんにちは. 私はソウルに住んでいる91年生まれです. 私は日本のドラマ 映画に大きな関心があります. 長い間連絡することができる友達と付き合いたい. 翻訳を使用して多くの不足です....
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 41
Vit en : Japon
こんにちは 私は海外に興味がある日本人です 日常の話から 趣味やお互いの国の話など いろいろな話ができる相手を探しています 休みの日はドラマを見るのが好きで 韓国ドラマや中...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 33
Vit en : Japon
HelloI m Takashi from Japan. I m 33 years old. I m learning English and I can help your Japanese. Nice to meet y...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 42
Vit en : Pologne
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 36
Vit en : Corée du Sud
패션 음악 여행등을 좋아해 매년 일본에 여행을 다닙니다. 아직 일본어가 초보라 번역기를 사용하며 일본의 문화를 배우고 있습니다. 한국 일본 문화를 교류하며 친구가 되고 싶어 가입...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 28
Vit en : Corée du Sud
Hi nice to meet you. I live in Seoul but I want to know about the world. I want to talk to my friend in every country. I want to learn about culture by talking with you. I do not speak English well, b...