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Jogjakarta, Indonesia
10,Jun 2017 09:32 PM
10,Jun 2017 09:32 PM
Indonesia is famous with it's beaches and tropical environment. Jogjakarta is one of the famous place that foreigners usually visit. This is Ratu Boko Temple. Beautiful perfect place to enjoy sunset. Ratu Boko Temple is near by Prambanan Temple. There is ticket all package to visit both place.
Prambanan Temple is Hindu's temple. As beautiful as Angkor Wat in Thailand. The temple tells story about Roro Jonggrang who cursed by Bandung Bondowoso to be thousandth statue because she won't marry him.
Taman Sari Water Castle is a place to bathe the king and his concubines, also his daughters.
The king will choose one of his concubines by throw flowers from tower, then she who has been chosen will bathe with the king in different pool.
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