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28,Jun 2017 04:33 AM
08,May 2018 08:23 PM
Doesn't look peaceful? I really missed this view...
Catch the moment, sunset.
I'll back here day.
Total comment(s) :8
Mleera | 08,May 2018
jangan19 | 29,Jul 2017
Where's it?
woojin91 | 24,Jul 2017
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Its Turkey.When i went for trip i take this photo.
destina- | 29,Jul 2017
Very peaceful ! We can feel the freshness of summer nights ! That reminds me beautiful memories ! Thanks
hadjerpa | 10,Jul 2017
Ah,thank you too ^^
destina- | 14,Jul 2017
wow that view is very beautiful
hyerinhyerin | 28,Jun 2017
Thanks a lot!
destina- | 30,Jun 2017