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新垣結衣 YUI ARAGAKI - 小っさな恋のうた
26,Nov 2010 09:13 PM
01,Feb 2012 07:58 PM
新垣結衣 YUI ARAGAKI - 小っさな恋のうた
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Total comment(s) :6
新垣結衣 so pretty!!!
uunm | 01,Feb 2012
각키 너무 귀여움 ^^
fta3088 | 09,Dec 2010
ㅎㅎ유이가 나오는 연공 재밌게 봤습니다^^
whgusdk | 05,Dec 2010
Don't be sorry, it is not mind^^. Traveler, you know....sometimes I listen to loud music and rock music when I'm sad. :') Thank you for uploading =)
rentheng | 29,Nov 2010
You got the wrong music to the right movie haha well its pretty annoying though. = = It was a pity that such a person do that to a nice movie.
(あなたは正しい映画に間違っている音楽を得た。笑。また、そのすこしうるさい。これは、そのような人が素敵な映画にそれを行うことが残念だった。) Thank you.
rentheng | 27,Nov 2010
Thank you for your comment! And Sorry. :)
I am always enjoying movie clips those you uploaded.
Have a nice day!
traveler | 27,Nov 2010